The Professional Director Certification Program®

The Professional Director Certification Program® is an internationally recognized training, a program that develops expertise in corporate governance, ensuring that the board of directors and leaders have the skills, knowledge, attitudes, and capabilities to contribute fully to the pursuit of excellence.

It’s time for you to sharpen your skills to the utmost and fully reach your leadership potential, optimizing your performance and adding even more value to your organization!

Who is Governance Solutions?

Through Governance Solutions, you have access to over 30 years of leadership and experience spanning nearly every sector and corner of the globe. We can help your organization unlock the full potential of its board and strengthen its governance practices through our suite of tools, resources, and world-class consultancy solutions. And rest assured that we truly understand your challenges because all members of our leadership team have walked in your shoes as CEOs and board members.


The Professional Director Certification Program®

Add more value to your board of directors! Designed by globally respected leaders from Governance Solutions, this board of directors training program offers you the confidence and competence to be more effective in the boardroom.

Pro.Dir® Free Trial

Experience what Pro.Dir® can offer you. Start your free trial today. No obligation. No credit card required.

Guided-Cohort Format

Work along with a group of peers to develop governance skills and achieve the Professional Director® certification in just 19 weeks!



Designed by globally respected thought leaders at Governance Solutions, this comprehensive program enables you to:

  • Attain the competence and confidence needed to be more effective in your boardroom.
  • Earn an internationally recognized governance designation in record time.
  • Gain an excellent understanding of corporate governance and how it operates within your business, sector, and organizational structure.
  • Acquire practical knowledge of corporate finance with tools and expertise to strategically use financial information at the board level.
  • Develop deep awareness of your own strengths and weaknesses and how you can uniquely add value in the boardroom.


  • Watch videos and read the carefully selected library at your convenience between live sessions.
  • Participate in classroom activities that will educate you on the dynamics of behavior, culture, and board expectations.
  • Analyze selected case studies from real-world events and organizations.
  • Engage with highly qualified instructors and your peers, including experienced presidents and CEOs.


The Professional Director Certification Program® offers a variety of formats designed to accommodate all schedules and learning styles – because we understand that everyone learns differently.

There are two different ways to obtain your certification. Choose the one that best suits you:

Guided-Cohort Format

Complete the entire program in 19 weeks, working together with a group of peers. Each week includes 90 minutes of live (online) instruction with the principal faculty team from Governance Solutions: Dr. Debra Brown, David Brown, and Rob DeRooy. This format allows you to share insights with other professionals and expand your network in a community learning environment.


This format offers maximum flexibility, convenience, and autonomy without any pressure. Review your course materials and complete tasks for all six modules at your own pace, knowing that a faculty member is just an email away if you have any questions.

Both formats consist of six core modules (which grant you a Pro.Dir® designation) and a mandatory comprehensive exam, all available entirely online. Each module includes a collection of instructional videos, reading material, and a quiz to demonstrate your mastery of the content. Virtual classes—exclusive to Week Long Intensive and Live Cohort—are complemented by videos and a case study.

Module Overview

Expectations are extremely high for any board member. Meeting and surpassing them starts with fully understanding your fundamental role and the necessary skills to keep your organization on the right track. In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Understand and fulfill the rights, roles, and responsibilities of the Board, Committees, CEO, and Executive.
  • Establish a clear sense of purpose, direction, and priorities.
  • Supervise, monitor, and effectively ensure compliance with strategic objectives.
  • Fulfill the board’s fiduciary duties.

Como membro do conselho, você tem a responsabilidade legal de supervisionar e prestar contas de seu organização. Da supervisão do risco à comunicação eficaz dos resultados aos acionistas, este módulo garante que você esteja totalmente preparado para cumprir essas funções como membro do conselho. Neste módulo, você aprenderá como:

  • Cumprir o papel do conselho na governança de riscos.
  • Construir a ponte entre estratégia e risco.
  • Supervisionar a gestão e controle dos recursos.
  • Definir apetites e tolerâncias de risco e medir o desempenho da organização.
  • Compreender o papel do conselho no ESG.

As pessoas são o ativo mais importante da sua organização. Este módulo irá ajudá-lo a garantir que a placa e gestão trabalham em conjunto para liderar de forma mais eficaz. Você aprenderá o papel essencial do conselho na práticas de gestão de pessoas, como supervisionar o relacionamento do conselho com o CEO, ao planejamento sucessório, definir a política de recursos humanos e a arte de alinhar desempenho, avaliação e remuneração do CEO. Neste módulo, você aprenderá como:

  • Liderar através de decisões difíceis e mudanças.
  • Assegurar que o conselho e a administração funcionem juntos de forma eficaz e tomem decisões com sabedoria.
  • Assegurar a responsabilidade do Conselho, Presidente, Comitês, CEO, incluindo sucessão, deleção de seleção gação, avaliação e compensação.
  • Compreender os impactos da liderança nos resultados da organização.
  • Supervisionar a política e desenvolvimento de recursos humanos

Overseeing management is just the beginning. The best boards also work to optimize their own effectiveness. From establishing the ideal board and evaluating performance to optimizing dynamic meetings, you will learn how to make the most of your time in the boardroom. In this module, you will learn how to:

  • Ensure board effectiveness before, during, and after meetings.
  • Use in-person and executive sessions appropriately and add value.
  • Build the ideal board and encourage the best mix of board members, including board renewal and profiles.
  • Plan board evaluations that enhance governance effectiveness.
  • Develop integration and orientation programs for the board and deep board members.

A educação financeira é uma obrigação para qualquer membro do conselho. Desde os principais indicadores financeiros e previsões até análise de variações e lacunas, este módulo mostrará como usar as demonstrações financeiras para garantir sua organização tem uma supervisão financeira sábia e fundamentada e possui todos os recursos. Neste módulo, você aprenderá como:

  • Ganhe confiança de que o orçamento alinha e fornece recursos às aspirações da organização.
  • Receber informações financeiras precisas, completas e oportunas no nível do conselho.
  • Supervisionar efetivamente as aquisições, programas e projetos da organização.
  • Avaliar e supervisionar o sistema financeiro.
  • Fornecer supervisão de valor agregado de todos os recursos corporativos.

Mesmo as melhores estruturas de governança podem falhar se a cultura da diretoria não for saudável. Este módulo irá ajudá-lo a eliminar disfunções na sala de reuniões e promover uma dinâmica de diretoria construtiva e engajada que leva a relacionamentos saudáveis, melhores decisões e maior crescimento. Neste módulo, você aprenderá como:

  • Crie um comportamento saudável na sala de reuniões.
  • Estruturar e fazer ótimas perguntas em nível de diretoria.
  • Compreender as implicações e questões da responsabilidade do diretor.
  • Melhorar o envolvimento, o desempenho e o comportamento da diretoria por meio da integridade.
  • Reconhecer o caráter, coragem, competência e vocação dos conselheiros.

Do you have any questions? Talk to BRA