Third-party audits and customized assessments involve carefully developed processes tailored to specific needs, scenarios, and risks for each situation, object evaluated, and client at hand.
BRA Certificadora has become one of the most specialized and recognized certification bodies in this kind of service due to its expertise and successful experience in constructing exclusive and top-notch assessment and certification models.
Operating across various fronts—management system audits, integrity program audits, contract audits, supplier audits, asset audits, and more—with a focus on mapping and diagnosing compliance against legal, contractual, regulatory, and other requirements, BRA applies a methodology and risk assessment tool in support of this process, often collaborating with its specialized international partner, rPM3 Solutions Inc.
We have built reliability, effectiveness, and full transparency through customized and traceable audit processes, working hand-in-hand with clients to devise solutions that maximize value for their objectives.