With solutions for the industry, corporate market, and BRA Academy, it is a 100% Brazilian company operating in certifications, audits, consulting, and inspections. It is responsible for developing the first and most comprehensive Anti-Corruption Management Systems Certification Program in Brazil (CP-Integrity®).
BRA was also responsible for the development and implementation of the first and exclusive Privacy and Data Protection Management Systems Certification Program (CPDATASEC®). It is the only specialized body in the market for Governance Certifications, notably the exclusive and proprietary Advisory Board Certification AdCM®, with nearly 200 professionals certified by our company since 2020.
In the industrial sector, we are the largest Local Content certifier in the Subsea segment, accredited by ANP since 2015. Alongside CGCRE/INMETRO, we are also accredited as a certification body for electrical and electronic equipment in categorized areas. Additionally, we are one of the leading companies specialized in Commissioning and Decommissioning Certificates for constructions and industrial buildings, especially for oil and gas movement projects. We were responsible for developing certificate models that established a new excellence benchmark in the market in 2015.